OPS Report 06/30/20 FINAL
OPS Detail Reports 06/25/20 (Gatorlink login required)
Expenditure Reports By Account Code
Expenditure Reports By Account Code, FY 2019-2020: includes University Libraries and FLARE
Budget Reports, FY 2019-2020: includes Smathers Libraries Combined Report including University / HSC Libraries / SUS Library Storage; University Libraries, and FLARE
Strategic Opportunity Program
(SOP Grants), Emerging Technology (ET Grants), & Other Sources of Fund (OSF)
Copy this path and paste into your computer address bar: \\ad.ufl.edu\uflib\SharedProjects\FiscalReports\
Auxiliary Revenue & Expense Reports
Auxiliary Revenue and Expenses 06/30/20
Fines and Fees 06/30/20
Unit Budget and Expenses Report (xlsx file) 06/30/20