Online Reimbursement Form This form is not to be used for travel reimbursements. "*" indicates required fields Please review the UF policies on reimbursement: Employee reimbursements Employee Reimbursement Guide (.pdf) Entertainment Expense Guide (.pdf) Timeliness of travel entertainment and employee reimbursements Candidate meals: Based on state guidance, gratuities should not exceed 20% of the bill subtotal before tax. In some cases, tips on meals may exceed 20% where there is an automatic gratuity charged by the venue.Type of reimbursement:* Employee event reimbursement Candidate meal reimbursement Generic reimbursement (including Conferences/Training – Non PDT/OB Funds) Candidate was taken for:* Lunch ($20.00 per person/ 4 people limit for each meal including candidate) Dinner ($40.00 per person / 4 people limit for each meal including candidate) Payer's name:* Payer's email address:* Date of candidate meal:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Location of candidate meal:* Candidate:* Position candidate is applying for: UF Representatives (maximum 4):*Additional information (if applicable):Meal cost:*Attach meal receipt(s). Receipt(s) MUST be itemized AND reflect proof of payment. (.pdf preferred - .tif files cannot be uploaded for security reasons).* Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 125 MB. Employee name:* Employee Email:* Event name:* Business purposeReason for ReimbursementFunding sources types* UFF / Foundation / 171 Funds State Funds Grant Funds Other Event date:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Event budget:*Fund approver:* First Last Support documentation:* Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 125 MB. Please attach the following, as applicable: (.pdf preferred - .tif files cannot be uploaded for security reasons). Fund approval email Signed receipts (person being reimbursed) Event ad / Meeting schedule / Schedule List of attendeesFunding name:* Is this a UFF / Foundation / 171 Fund?* Yes No UFF / Foundation / 171 Source of Funds Number* If UFF / Foundation / 171 Fund number is not known, please enter 00000UFF / Foundation / 171 Fund Name:* Donor Intent or Detailed Purpose of Fund per Gift Agreement or Other UFF Record*How does this expenditure meet the donor intent or stipulations of the gift agreement?*ReceiptsList each receipt separately and amount to be reimbursed:Date of receipt:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Place of purchase:* Taxes (subject to reimbursement):*Receipt amount:*Do you have additional receipts?* Yes No Date of second receipt:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Place of purchase of second receipt:* Taxes of second receipt (subject to reimbursement):*Second receipt amount:Do you have a third receipt?* Yes No Date of third receipt* MM slash DD slash YYYY Place of purchase of third receipt:* Taxes of third receipt (subject to reimbursement):*Third receipt amount:*Do you have a fourth receipt?* Yes No Date of fourth receipt:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Place of purchase of fourth receipt:* Taxes of fourth receipt (subject to reimbursement):*Fourth receipt amount:*Total reimbursable amount:*Additional information (if applicable):